The transportation sector is varied and ensures on a daily basis that freight and passengers get where they need to be when they need to be there, by air, rail, water and road.

Clients operating in this space face a myriad of litigation risks, ranging from loss or injury arising from accidents, environmental issues arising from the handling and transport of hazardous materials and potential claims brought by clients, users and competitors.

Our litigators have successfully navigated disputes and litigation for clients operating in this sector. By way of example, our lawyers were recently successful, both at trial and on appeal, in contesting the certification of a class action against a national airline. Our litigators have also acted for national railway companies and freight-forwarders, defending their interests in motor vehicle accident and property loss claims.

McEwan Partners lawyers have the skillset and experience required to protect our clients’ interests and handle any disputes arising in this fundamental sector. Our expertise includes resolution of transportation related conflicts that may transcend territorial borders and raise issues of jurisdiction or conflicts of laws.

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